Neighbourhood hubs - conversations with Chorley Road residents

Wo engage with people about neighbourhood level health services, comparing results with our 2017 Farnworth Neighbourhood Hubs study. To gather views and ideas about what would improve the experience of accessing future health and wellbeing services.

Key findings

  • What services might be useful at a local Hub? – Preventive as well as Primary Care.
  • Prevention - Supporting health and wellbeing, mental health, advice services regarding housing, and benefits. Exercise, diet, staying social and avoiding isolation are seen as important.
  • Primary Care - GPs and Nurses main contact points, but also a recognised usefulness of being able to access a range of other possible Primary Care professionals locally.
  • Medicine Review - Many had had their medications reviewed though frequencies of reviews varied. There appeared to be some confusion in some people’s minds over what constitutes a full medicines review.
  • Access - Many people wanted a range of local services, but were willing to travel for specialist treatments. There were individual accounts of difficulty with regards to traveling to specific services.
  • General Suggestions – The need to listen to specific experiences, which might impact how individuals engage long term with services. Also some suggestions on improving the local urban environment/funding for areas outside the city centre.


  • The results support the promotion and delivery of preventive and non-clinical related aspects of healthcare.
  • The results suggest that, but note that GP and Nurses remain at the heart of ‘primary care’ delivery but that yheir is an appetite for widening the range of practitioners working in this area.
  • Some residents did not see the need for expansion in services offered alongside their GP.
  • A campaign on the value of medicine reviews giving supporting information on how to access this process would be welcome.
  • Understanding of what ‘local’ means in this geographic area is important as many people rely on walking/public transport.


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Neighbourhood hubs - Conversations with Chorley Road residents

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