1. Report -

    We invited public and professionals to gather people’s experiences on Dementia, looking at different stages including: prior to diagnosis, diagnosis and the short time following this, living with dementia and deterioration and end of life care.
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    The aim of this project was to gain a greater understanding of the support, experience and impact itself for individuals at various points including: the situation itself, diagnosis, on services, end of care and any other issues.
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    Our engagement officers spoke to people at a local dementia café to gain comments, experiences and views on the topic of dementia.
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    The results of this engagement project will be shared with Healthwatch England to produce a National evidence base that will inform the development and implementation of the specifc activities discussed within the Long Term Plan
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    The report, Discharge to Assess: 590 people’s stories, explores the impact the new processes have had since their introduction in March to help manage the sudden rise in COVID-19 patients.
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    Together with the national report - People's Experiences of Hospital Discharge during Covid 19, there are also some local findings from staff interviews in Bolton
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    Bolton Safeguarding Adults Board are committed to continuous improvement, learning from experience, and enabling adults at risk of neglect and abuse to have a voice.