1. Report -

    This report is based on a corridor event where we aimed to ask patients what factors they take into consideration when choosing to use the out of hours service and to elicit the views of patients about their experiences of using the service.
  2. Report -

    This report highlights the publics views on waste around medicines and the way they are dispensed, peoples knowledge of the minor aliments service and the publics knowledge around pharmicies and the services they offer.
  3. Report -

    As part of the ongoing work with the Bolton Engagement Alliance, this report focuses on understanding views on existing services in the local area, explore what services are needed and issues with distance and willingness to travel to services.
  4. Report -

    The report, Discharge to Assess: 590 people’s stories, explores the impact the new processes have had since their introduction in March to help manage the sudden rise in COVID-19 patients.
  5. Report -

    Together with the national report - People's Experiences of Hospital Discharge during Covid 19, there are also some local findings from staff interviews in Bolton