1. Report -

    This project was to inspire people to get involved with local discussions and consultations about the future of health care and to ensure that those who do get involved are wellinformed about what works and why.
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    This report aims to see to what extent GP practices are providing clear and consistent information in an easy to access format, and to highlight any areas of good practice to inform local communication strategies.
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    This report is part of a project commissioned from Healthwatch Bolton by Bolton GP Federation. The work took place at various sites in the Chorley Roads area.
  4. Report -

    In Bolton, no other engagement activity has taken place with the public on the subject of LCO’s and so patients views on how a good Local Care Organisation would shape up were not known. We undertook engagement work to find out their views.
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    This report examines what the people of Farnworth think about the physical location of services in their area. Itis part of a wider project to explore what patients think of ‘neighbourhood hubs’ .
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    We spoke to people to find out their views on waiting times specifically for GP / primary care, physiotherapy, podiatry and ear syringing.