1. Advice and Information -

    We've pulled together a number of services for parents in need of support for their mental health. Read more to find out where you can go to get the help you need.
  2. Report -

    A report published in March 2019 containing information on how we should communicate with people.
  3. Report -

    This project was commissioned by Healthwatch England and the results will be collated on a national level to inform the development and implementation of the specific activities discussed within the long term plan.
  4. Report -

    Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership responded to our report on engagement around mental health services, respoding to our conclusions and recommendations
  5. News -

    We asked you to tell us about your experiences of having either a telephone or a video appointment with a health care professional
  6. Report -

    Our annual report for 2022-23 is now available
  7. News -

    Many people have told us that they struggle to find information about the perimenopause and the menopause.
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    Thousands of doctors, nurses, dentists and other healthcare staff will be trained in England every year as part of the first ever Long Term Workforce Plan published by the NHS and backed by the Government today.
  9. Advice and Information -

    A new report by MPs into dental care, which draws upon the experiences people have shared with us, has called for urgent reform so more people can access an NHS dentist.
  10. Advice and Information -

    Earlier this year we asked you to share your experiences with us on how the cost of living was affecting you health and wellbeing
  11. Advice and Information -

    Junior doctors at some GP practices and all NHS hospitals are taking industrial action now. This will be the longest stretch of industrial action by junior doctors to date. This started at 7am on 3rd January 2024 and will conclude at 7am on 9th January 2024. See below information from Mark Fisher - Chief Executive of Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board
  12. Report -

    Find out what we got up to last year!