1. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's (NICE) quick guide to discussing and planning support following a dementia diagnosis.
  2. Report -

    We invited public and professionals to gather people’s experiences on Dementia, looking at different stages including: prior to diagnosis, diagnosis and the short time following this, living with dementia and deterioration and end of life care.
  3. Report -

    The aim of this project was to gain a greater understanding of the support, experience and impact itself for individuals at various points including: the situation itself, diagnosis, on services, end of care and any other issues.
  4. Report -

    Our engagement officers spoke to people at a local dementia café to gain comments, experiences and views on the topic of dementia.
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    The results of this engagement project will be shared with Healthwatch England to produce a National evidence base that will inform the development and implementation of the specifc activities discussed within the Long Term Plan
  6. Advice and Information -

    Here you will find many sources of useful information and advice
  7. Report -

    The report, Discharge to Assess: 590 people’s stories, explores the impact the new processes have had since their introduction in March to help manage the sudden rise in COVID-19 patients.
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    Together with the national report - People's Experiences of Hospital Discharge during Covid 19, there are also some local findings from staff interviews in Bolton
  9. News -

    Thousands of doctors, nurses, dentists and other healthcare staff will be trained in England every year as part of the first ever Long Term Workforce Plan published by the NHS and backed by the Government today.
  10. Report -

    Bolton Safeguarding Adults Board are committed to continuous improvement, learning from experience, and enabling adults at risk of neglect and abuse to have a voice.
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    Read our quarterly intelligence reports. The reports contain feedback that the public has shared with us. The feedback is then shared with commissioners and providers of health and care services to help bring improvements to services.
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    We looked at what makes carer friendly experiences. This report highlights which areas carers feel they face the most challenges with and where they feel most / least supported across housing, care and support, education, work and community sectors
  13. Report -

    We carried out a piece of work surrounding the issues of loneliness and isolation throughout 2018 and 2019. This report summarises the findings of our survey into loneliness and isolations felt by carers.
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    This forum was based on the work by Healthwatch, which featured views on health by employees at a local organisation. 20 individuals attended the forum which included members of the general public as well as representatives from various organisations
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    In this report we highlight our findings regarding what people understand the health and care concerns are faced by those in work. For the purposes of this study we focused on workers at a single, large office site in Bolton.
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    A report produced in August 2019 containing information about health and support in the workplace.
  17. Report -

    Our report will enable those with experience of palliative and end of life care as well as the general public to share their experiences, thoughts, knowledge, and desire’s and inform best practice for all providers.
  18. Report -

    We have been looking to identify young carers find out more about their experiences. This report highlights their views on their experiences, self-identification and support needs.
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    This report highlights the current experiences of young carers, what technology they use and how benefical that technology is to their role as a young carer.
  20. Report -

    The top three health and care priorities you asked us to look at this year are: Primary Care, Secondary Care, and Adult Mental Health. See the report for more detail
  21. Report -

    Have a read of our latest annual report for 2021-22- Championing What Matters to You
  22. Report -

    We explored the issues of loneliness and isolation amongst our many unpaid carers in the Bolton community.
  23. Report -

    Our annual report for 2022-23 is now available
  24. Advice and Information -

    Healthwatch in Greater Manchester are interested in hearing from children and young people, and parents and carers, about their experiences of the pathway to accessing (or trying to access) CAMHS.

    The project aim is to establish whether the current mental health care pathway is effective in identifying and helping children and young people (CYP) to access the support they need in a timely and effective way, which leads to positive outcomes for themselves, their families or carers.

    We would like to hear from those having accessed this service for all conditions, including those who may have accessed the Autism/ADHD diagnostic pathways. There are two surveys, one for children and young people, and one for parents and carers
  25. Report -

    Find out what we got up to last year!