1. Advice and Information -

    We've pulled together a number of services for parents in need of support for their mental health. Read more to find out where you can go to get the help you need.
  2. Report -

    We are doing thematic research on the subject of men’s health. As part of this work we visited the Bolton Service User Recovery Forum (BSURF) which is a peer support group to get experiences and view of the support they receieved from their GP.
  3. Report -

    This forum was based on the work by Healthwatch, which featured views on health by employees at a local organisation. 20 individuals attended the forum which included members of the general public as well as representatives from various organisations
  4. Report -

    In this report we highlight our findings regarding what people understand the health and care concerns are faced by those in work. For the purposes of this study we focused on workers at a single, large office site in Bolton.
  5. Report -

    A report published in March 2019 containing information on how we should communicate with people.
  6. Report -

    Researches visited various sites where men attend on a social basis and conducted semi-structured interviews. Conversations focused onl views on service delivery, healthy lifestyles, mental health and health information.
  7. Report -

    We runs a series of corridor events at Royal Bolton Foundation Trust Hospital sites talking to patients about their views and experiences. This report highlights the comments we received from young people about mental health support.
  8. Report -

    Healthwatch conduct regular corridor events at various Bolton FT NHS services. This report covers the comments received when visiting the Rivington Unit.
  9. Report -

    We visited a prostate cancer support group to speak to attendees about prostate specific services but also health care in its wider spectrum. This reports highlights the responses and views we received.
  10. Report -

    This project engaged with younger people around their experiences of emotional health and well-being. This report highlights the difficulties that young people may face due to poor emotional health and well-being.
  11. Advice and Information -

    Public Health, Greater Manchester Combined Authority and Bolton NHS have put together a booklet to support you with advice on looking after your mental health and accessing services during lockdown and has plenty of tips on beating anxiety.
  12. Report -

    Read our report following our visit to Rivington inpatient service. We spoke to staff and residents as well as observing practices throughout the day. Our report includes full details of all our findings including the recommendations we put forward
  13. Advice and Information -

    Take a look a these tips and advice for how to get the support you need for your mental health. Want to find out more? Get in touch.
  14. Report -

    This project was commissioned by Healthwatch England and the results will be collated on a national level to inform the development and implementation of the specific activities discussed within the long term plan.
  15. Report -

    Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership responded to our report on engagement around mental health services, respoding to our conclusions and recommendations
  16. Advice and Information -

    A cancer support centre is continuing to help people living with cancer across Bolton during the latest lockdown by providing vital telephone and virtual support.
  17. Advice and Information -

    Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership have released health and care information during the lock down period
  18. Advice and Information -

    If you are struggling to cope, don't feel alone, there are a number of services that can help and want to help.
  19. Advice and Information -

    Here you will find many sources of useful information and advice
  20. Advice and Information -

    Bolton Hospitals NHS Trust, Healthy Families Team have developed a lock down support pack
  21. Report -

    The report, Discharge to Assess: 590 people’s stories, explores the impact the new processes have had since their introduction in March to help manage the sudden rise in COVID-19 patients.
  22. Report -

    Together with the national report - People's Experiences of Hospital Discharge during Covid 19, there are also some local findings from staff interviews in Bolton
  23. Advice and Information -

    New scheme of help for people experiencing domestic abuse.

    ANI (pronounced Annie) stands for ‘Action Needed Immediately’ is a special code word people experiencing domestic violence can use at pharmacies.
  24. Advice and Information -

    Self-isolation guide
    Self-isolating can be tough so Bolton Clinical Commissioning Group have created this helpful booklet with Bolton Council.
  25. Report -

    The Impact of Bereavement During Covid 19
  26. Report -

    The top three health and care priorities you asked us to look at this year are: Primary Care, Secondary Care, and Adult Mental Health. See the report for more detail
  27. News -

    The Healthwatch in Greater Manchester Network is aware of the BBC Panorama allegations regarding standards of care at the Edenfield Medium Secure Unit which is part of The Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.
  28. News -

    We asked you to tell us about your experiences of having either a telephone or a video appointment with a health care professional
  29. Report -

    Our annual report for 2022-23 is now available
  30. News -

    Many people have told us that they struggle to find information about the perimenopause and the menopause.
  31. News -

    Thousands of doctors, nurses, dentists and other healthcare staff will be trained in England every year as part of the first ever Long Term Workforce Plan published by the NHS and backed by the Government today.
  32. Advice and Information -

    A new report by MPs into dental care, which draws upon the experiences people have shared with us, has called for urgent reform so more people can access an NHS dentist.
  33. Advice and Information -

    Earlier this year we asked you to share your experiences with us on how the cost of living was affecting you health and wellbeing
  34. Advice and Information -

    Junior doctors at some GP practices and all NHS hospitals are taking industrial action now. This will be the longest stretch of industrial action by junior doctors to date. This started at 7am on 3rd January 2024 and will conclude at 7am on 9th January 2024. See below information from Mark Fisher - Chief Executive of Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board
  35. Advice and Information -

    Healthwatch in Greater Manchester are interested in hearing from children and young people, and parents and carers, about their experiences of the pathway to accessing (or trying to access) CAMHS.

    The project aim is to establish whether the current mental health care pathway is effective in identifying and helping children and young people (CYP) to access the support they need in a timely and effective way, which leads to positive outcomes for themselves, their families or carers.

    We would like to hear from those having accessed this service for all conditions, including those who may have accessed the Autism/ADHD diagnostic pathways. There are two surveys, one for children and young people, and one for parents and carers
  36. Report -

    Read our new report - Menopause and Me, outlining the experiences of people looking for support and information
  37. News -

    Read our quarterly intelligence reports. The reports contain feedback that the public has shared with us. The feedback is then shared with commissioners and providers of health and care services to help bring improvements to services.
  38. Report -

    Find out what we got up to last year!
  39. Report -

    As part of our aim to improve understanding of the role of Technology Enabled Care (TEC) we invited members of the public were invited to view and see demonstrations of electronic monitoring devices, disability/care aids and health related apps.
  40. Advice and Information -

    The Government has launched a consultation on the NHS Constitution, which sets out your rights as an NHS patient. Read why it's important to have your say.
  41. News -

    Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) date has been announced as 19th August at 11am using Zoom video conferencing technology.
  42. Report -

    Read what we have been up to and how we have had an impact in the community. Learn about our projects and find out our plans for next year in this report.
  43. Report -

    Read our annual report to find out how we have made an impact in Bolton over the last year.
  44. Report -

    Read our yearly report to find up what we have been up to, how we have been helping people and how we have helped improve services over the last year
  45. Report -

    Read our annual report to find out the differences we have been making in Bolton. Learn how we have helped people, how we have improved services and how our volunteers have been involved with our work.
  46. Report -

    Read our annual report detailing the differences we have made to people and services across the last year.
  47. News -

    We ran a survey to find out how people were managing during lockdown. COVID-19 has affected everyone differently and we hoped to gain some insights into how people managed and what helped them cope.