Healthwatch staff member at a conference

Our Board

Our Board works to ensure that we are fulfilling our legal and statutory obligations. You can find out more about our Board below.

Our Chair - Jim Fawcett

Jim has a managerial background working in the pharmaceutical industry. He has a strong interest in the NHS and social care, and a passion to improve health and care services for the people of Bolton.

Our Board of Trustees

Kiran Syeda - Treasurer

"I got involved as voluntary treasurer to expand my understanding of finance in the non profit sector. I have a finance background and I got involved to oversee budgets in the non profit sector. I appreciate the reserves bought forward into the new financial year by the Healthwatch, which shows that costs are appropriately apportioned"

Ann Schenk - Trustee

"I have been a resident if Bolton for 43 years and am a retired NHS manager. Throughout that time I have had a keen interest in the improvement of care and health outcomes for the people of Bolton. I also have a keen interest in what happens at Greater Manchester level and how that affects the local population. As statutory organisations, established in response to the recommendations arising from the Mid-Staffs Inquiry, I believe Healthwatch’s have a unique opportunity to represent an independent voice of public and patients in the planning and delivery of services. It is important to safeguard this function, despite the very limited resources available"

Shashikant Merchant

"I have been involved with Healthwatch and the community of Bolton for a number of years now. I have a keen interest in improving the lives and wellbeing of our citizens"

Umair Badat

"Having worked in the health sector in varying roles has given me a great deal of insight in to how services are managed or not managed. Although there is recognition that services need to be more joined up. This has been as a result of a combination of things but finance and lack of pathways has been key to this.

As part of a family who have served the Bolton and wider greater Manchester community for the last 25 years as foster carers. We have all too often seen a lack of joined up approach. There is a wealth of experience, knowledge and shared experience that remains untapped with these carers. Developing real life based stories, positive and negative to those organisation should be working together would be extremely powerful.

I have the knowledge and experience that will be able to help support the 8 key strategic plan objectives and make it become a living document that shows how we can become a key part of providing a voice to all our stakeholders and feed into Bolton’s Health and care plan. 

I genuinely believe my experience, my background and personal experience stands me in great position to be able to make a genuine difference to my community of Bolton"

Mary Stubbs

Mary originally joined the staff team here at Healthwatch Bolton to assist with Information, Advice and Guidance and dividing her time with working at Bolton Hospice. Mary is passionate about her work and ensuring the voice of the service user is heard in health and social care services.

Trustee Board Minutes can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

Trustee Board Minutes

Our policies

You can view some of our key policies below including how we make decisions when planning our work.

Complaints Policy
Conflict of interest policy
Decision Making Policy
Strategic Plan 2022-25
Research & Workplanning Framework


Safeguarding Policy