Bolton GP websites audit
52 GP practice websites where audited by a member of our engagement team. Using a set of defined criteria:
- Usability and availability
- Information on two key changes; the shared care record and new primary care professionals
- Online appointment booking systems
- GP extended and out of hours services
- Availability of information in different formats to suit individuals names
All the GP practices were found to have a website and these were functional and contained relevant information, however there was much inconsistency in the use of terminology and clarity of information present.
Only 4 websites contained any information regarding the new health care professionals and the most inconsistencies related to information about the extended and out of hours services.
All websites would benefit from an improved consistency in relation to what information is being shared as well as the terminology being used.
While all the GP practices had a website there was limited information with regards to the new primary care professionals and whilst this is still in its infancy more work is needed to ensure patients are aware of the changes being made and the options available to them.
Ensuring the GP neighbourhood leads are aware of who is in charge of updating information on their websites would also be beneficial as would utilising the same video information which is shown on some websites.
All recommendations were made to Bolton CCG as well as the GP Neighbourhood Leads and GP Federation.
For the full report, click on the link below: