Primary care working for all
This work builds on the neighbourhood reports and responds to need for co-design of primary care services and community interest in respect of understanding of new primary care models and access arrangements for the new practitioners.
Key findings
- There is limited mainstream information getting out to the public about the new primary care roles.
- People had concerns about accessing appointments, the increase in capacity the new roles offered were a major advantage.
- People understood and valued the benefits the new roles offered individuals and communities once they had understood the role of the professionals in the surgery.
- People are keen to access information and be involved in service development
- Identify those who will most benefit from new primary care roles to co-design promotional materials which can be used on GP websites via existing networks.
- Publicise expertise and training of new primary care roles.
- Promote opportunities for individuals, community groups and voluntary sector organisations to work alongside professionals in making decisions and implementing service development.