Response to Healthwatch public engagement feedback

Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership responded to our report on engagement around mental health services, respoding to our conclusions and recommendations

Healthwatch conclusion: 

Support and advice for parents t the point when their child is diagnosed - comments that describe a devasting and difficult time; in conclusion in the report found "Some of the parents of children with learning disabilities spoke of a need for more supportive interventions to help them to understand how to support their child". 

Their response: One of the objectives of the Transforming Care national programme, that Greater Manchester are involved in, is to develop parent forums and support parents with strategies they can use. 

Healthwatch conclusions: 

“Accessible information with brief, clear and pictorial explanations would help people understand the need for attending at prevention, check-up and screening appointment”; Healthwatch found that “Touch screen check-in, text messages re appointments and digital signs calling people to appointments all came under fire as examples of difficulties people faced as a result of this lack of understanding”; In the groups people said they don’t often attend appointments because they don’t understand the letters they are sent ie. cervical screening, cancer screening.

Response:  GM Health Inequalities Working group (Healthwatch has been invited to join) has got a specific action on the delivery plan to address accessibility to universal health services and make reasonable adjustments

Healthwatch conclusion:

Healthwatch found that people value having advocates to support people when accessing health services

Response: as part of the Advocacy priority on our strategy we are looking to develop a GM approach to citizen advocacy by spring 2020


For more information or to view this report in a different format please contact us.

NHSLong term plan mental health with responses

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